Contact us

Feel free to contact us for more information or to schedule a demo of our technology. We'd love to hear from you, and if you share our vision for a cleaner and more sustainable future, even better!

The real deal

We are located in Narvik and Trondheim. We are keeping it real in the arctic fjords of Northern and Central Norway.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When can we get the drones?

At the moment, our product is still undergoing testing and has yet to be released. We've been testing our prototypes since June 2022 in actual conditions, operating out in fish pen nets, and we plan to conduct the first commercial pilots this year. Currently, we are in the process of setting up our production facilities. We've already signed pre-orders and estimate it will take a year to produce the pre-ordered drones. If you're interested in being an early adopter, we encourage you to contact us and place a pre-order. We're fully committed to scaling up production quickly, but the final amount we'll be able to produce will depend on the level of interest and market demand. We'll update you on our progress and let you know when we're ready to release the drones to the market.

How do I install and operate the drones?

Installing and operating the drones is a seamless process that Probotic's dedicated service team takes care of. The installation includes setting up a topside cabinet and a docking station, which serves as a garage for the drone. We require power and internet access for the installation to be successful.* Additionally, we provide a spare system for every five drones purchased, allowing for a quick replacement. Once installed, the drone operation is easily accessible through our web app, where you can track the complete status of all functions. Our team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns.

* We have a backup internet solution, so installing without existing internet on your farm may be possible.

Can I customize the inspection and cleaning intervals to suit my specific needs?

Absolutely! At Probotic, we understand that every fish farm is unique, and so are the needs and requirements of each one. That's why we have made our inspection and cleaning intervals fully customizable, so you can tailor them to your specific needs. You have complete control over how often inspections and cleanings are performed, and you can easily adjust the frequency as needed. Our team of experts can work with you to determine the optimal schedule for your farm based on factors such as the number of fish, the water conditions, and other variables. With Probotic, you get a solution that is tailored to your needs, providing the highest level of control and security for your fish pen nets.

How much does your product/service cost?

At Probotic, we offer high-end services for net cleaning and net inspection. Our Safe and Clean Nets service costs approximately 2500 USD per month, but please note that we do not plan to compete on price. Our focus is on providing the absolute best high-end product and service, and we only charge for the value we provide. This is a fundamental part of our business plan, so you can be assured that you will always get the absolute best service.

What is your company all about?

At Probotic, we are a technology company focused on developing innovative solutions for the aquaculture industry. Our main goal is to make fish farming more efficient, sustainable, and profitable by using the latest technology available. We specialize in designing and manufacturing autonomous drones for net cleaning and inspection, which can reduce labor costs, improve fish health, and prevent disease outbreaks. Our team is composed of experts in robotics, software development, and aquaculture, all working together to create the best possible products and services for our customers. We are dedicated to providing high-end, value-driven solutions and are committed to working closely with our clients to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.